What am I looking for here?

Unfortunately, not everyone gets to play. The demo is being released exclusively in North America. To check if you’ve received a golden ticket, sign into the e-mail associated with your Nintendo Network account. Not every gamer will receive one, but every e-mail includes:

an obligatory message of congratulations a classic “It’s dangerous to go alone!” reference, and three nifty demo codes.

Prepare to face the wrath of super good friends.

Once you have your code, you can download the demo by entering it in the Nintendo eShop. While the game’s full release includes a single-player mode, your demo will not. Here’s where those bonus codes come in. Share your extra codes and play with two friends via the local multiplayer option. One dungeon will await you. No more, no less (admittedly, less than one experience would be an awful promotional technique).

If local play doesn’t suit your fancy, there will be three timeslots during which online co-op becomes available:

October 16th and 17th, 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. PT / 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. ET October 18th, 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. PT / 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. ET

 Alright, easy enough. Why bother, though?

The demo is a wise move on the part of Nintendo; designers developed unique levels that capatalize on cooperative strategies in Triforce Heroes. Allowing gamers to interactively move through a level trumps the effectiveness of watching journalists play with added commentary. 

Reminiscent of Four Swords, a heroic team takes the place of a stand-alone Link. For Triforce Heroes, dungeons will encourage using all the advantages a well-functioning team provides. Players will find themselves throwing each other across chasms when they aren’t climbing onto each other’s backs for a height advantage. The game introduces new emotes for in-game communication that are one part whimsical and one part useful. This only names a few of the game features that players can officially try first-hand.

Didn’t get an e-mail? Hope is not lost, young paladins!

Believe it or not, some lucky recipients don’t even want their codes. Inconceivable, I know. A handful of sites provide a quick and convenient place for such people to offer their demo opportunity to others.

Check out Google for leads, Twitter for contests and code giveaways, and forums on sites like Gamespot if you’re looking to play but lack the download. You can also request and share codes in the comments below! Some generous passerby just may have what you’re looking for.

On the fence about Triforce Heroes  Nintendo s giving out demo codes - 13On the fence about Triforce Heroes  Nintendo s giving out demo codes - 45On the fence about Triforce Heroes  Nintendo s giving out demo codes - 98