First up is the Child Emperor. He’s the youngest member of the Hero’s Association and achieved S-Classstatus at the young age of 10. Child Emperor has the smarts and foresight to plan ahead — and more importantly, he’s got tons of gadgets and weapons up his sleeve for a varied and destructive move set.

Then we have Spring Mustachio. Unlike the wunderkind Child Emperor, Spring Mustachio is an A-Class hero, and his expertise is both dishwashing and swordplay. Finally, we have Sweet Mask, the calm, cool, and collected A-Class Rank 1 hero. He’s a model and singer strong enough to obtain S-Class, but instead, he remains in the A-Class to ensure unworthy challengers can’t climb up the ranks.

You can check out all three newly announced fighters in the above trailer.

We’re quite excited about One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows and said in our preview it might just be the best anime game yet made.

One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows launches on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Feburary 28. Check back with GameSkinny for our review around then.