In development for half a decade already, Corepunk features a persistent world with four unique cultures and an amalgam of character types including options like Paladin, Ironclad (which sure looks like a steampunk orc), and Bombergirl.

The announcement trailer — seen at the top of this article — makes it clear there will be no shortage of aesthetic options available for players, from futuristic kevlar armor to football pads. Many classic MMORPG staples are also on display, as well, like crop growing, mining, wood chopping, crafting, and a worldwide economy for trading needed resources.

In conjunction with the official announcement and trailer, Producer Eugene Kiver of Artificial Core commented: 

Although there appears to be a decent amount of traditional fetch-questing in Corepunk, what we’ve seen so far indicates a heavy amount of strategy will be involved as well. Groups of enemies can far deadlier than those found in traditional “kill x monsters” systems. Fog of war is also expected to be a primary mechanic used with ambushes in PvP mode.

Although there is no official release date at this time, Corepunk is due to launch into open beta in late 2020. 

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Corepunk news and info as it drops.