Oscar Ramirez’s life partner, Viviana Cuevas, made a GoFundMe page where she specifies that her significant other encountered a drain on Wednesday, July 13. Cuevas guaranteed that she made the site to ease monetary tension on the family.


After Highland Park shooting, Cuevas dispatches a GoFundMe page keeping in mind the desire of raising $150,000 Cuevas put up a GoFundMe crusade together to accumulate $150,000 to assist with Ramirez and his child’s clinical expenses and to offer monetary help as Cuevas is the main supplier for a group of five.

Ramirez has been moved from Lake Forest Hospital to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where he is presently being dealt with. He went through a 7-hour medical procedure in the wake of being conceded.

Prior to saying that the occurrence had caused her and her loved ones “significantly more pressure and frenzy,” Cuevas said that Ramirez’s face was to some degree incapacitated as he boarded the rescue vehicle.

Cuevas expressed that their most established child is as yet mending from the gunfire wound, and Ramirez doesn’t have health care coverage.

The Highland Park shooting caused tumult and carnage around At the point when a shooter started shooting at swarms assembled for a Fourth of July march in Highland Park recently, seven individuals were killed and scores more were harmed.

Robert E. Crimo, 21, the suspect, is blamed for seven first-degree murder offenses. The killing is alluded to as a “pre-contemplated and conscious assault” by the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office.

One of those killed was the child of Oscar Ramirez. The other two fatalities were distinguished as being Kevin McCarthy, 37, and Irina McCarthy, 35. Aiden, McCarthy’s 2-year-old child, was with them while the shooting started and was saved by a bystander. At the police headquarters, he in this way met his granddad once more.

In recognition of the people in question, the Highland Park area has met up for various commemoration administrations and vigils.

— Jenn Dize 👩🏻‍💻 Follow @Courage_News! (@jennelizabethj) July 18, 2022

The kid was removed the ventilator, yet the specialists expressed he was still in rough shape. A GoFundMe crusade for himself as well as his family has raised more than $918,000 starting around 6 p.m. Friday.