This episode occurred in 2018, and Smith College was seen not as blameworthy. Notwithstanding, this case got media consideration indeed when one of the employees left the Smith College asserting it has a racially threatening climate.

Oumou has not uncovered any data about her folks on the web. In any case, she says, it was her folks’ fantasy that she went to Smith College for her undergrad contemplates.

Oumou was the first in her family to relocate from Mali to go to school. She functioned as a showing collaborator throughout the mid year in the school in 2018. Oumou Kanoute is an individual of color from Mali, West Africa. She endeavored to get admission to the lofty Smith College.

Nonetheless, she was unconscious of the way that bigotry has consistently been an issue in Smith College, as numerous employees and understudies criticized the staff of Smith College as bigots and the school likewise had a past filled with understudies requesting the confirmation standard to be brought down thus.

— TG Time (@tvguidetime) February 26, 2021

In the mid year of 2018, while Ms. Kanoute was filling in as a showing aide, she halted at the Tyler House residence cafeteria to eat when a janitor and a cop with a deadly weapon came up to her and asked what she was doing there.

As per her, they alluded to her as a dubious individual of color. She recorded the video of what occurred and posted the video on her Facebook account. Subsequent to griping the head of Smith College apologized to her with respect to the occurrence. This occurrence made 4 staff individuals lose their employment.

This case was taken to the court, and after the nitty gritty examination, it was discovered that Ms. Kanoute was really not the casualty of prejudice. The dorm where she had lunch was truth be told shut for the mid year and no understudy laborers were permitted to eat there.

— TG Time (@tvguidetime) February 26, 2021

The janitor who was in his 60s with helpless visual perception, saw somebody eating there and griped to the school’s safety officer, incapable to perceive whether the individual was male or female, and the safety officer was indeed unarmed much the same as some other safety officers in some other school.