On the Overwatch YouTube channel, Blizzard released a video talking about the upcoming competitive play and the differences between quick play and competitive.

Some of the minor changes are:

Seasons will start every 3 months Sudden Death matches won’t happen as often Assault matches on Temple of Anubis, Hanamura and Volskaya Industries won’t be quick matches anymore No progression tiers. Skill Rating will show your progression along with everyone else’s skill rating and the average rating for each team Will be able to see if players are in a pre-made group during game Golden Gun system will be in place for higher skilled players

Along with the minor differences between competitive and quick play, Blizzard also announced that they are working on new maps and heroes that could be released at the end of the year.

Overwatch competitive play is due to be released at the end of June for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4.