And, to tie into the event, Blizzard has kindly released a new motion comic.

There are very few sentences in this comic. Although brief, we do get some new information from them about the lore of Overwatch from them.

As we now know, science isn’t Winston’s only passion – he also loves stories. It was also reinforced that despite how Winston’s time in the lunar colony ended tragically, his fond memories of the time he spent with his surrogate father haven’t been tainted.

The real meat of the comic comes in the form of a young Winston reading Journey to the West for the first time, as we see the story come to life in his head.

This part of the comic is told almost exclusively through the images, as well as the music that plays. The music fits the tone perfectly, and the images, as you can see from the several I’ve shown, are absolutely stunning.

If you’re a fan of Overwatch or Journey to the West, or even if you just want to see more of adorable baby Winston, this motion comic is worth a read.