I’m going to show all the new skins, as well as go over some changes and the new brawl added to this event.

Overwatch Uprising Character Skins

There are 9 character with new skins and a total of 10 new ones. Torbjorn has 2 new skins. Widowmaker finally gets an event skin in this one, besides the slight recolor she got for the Summer Games.












New Brawl: Uprising

This PvE game mode has 2 versions – one with set characters and one where you can pick anyone. The set characters are: Tracer, Torbjorn, Mercy, and Reinhardt.

This is a multi-part mission that has you completing several objectives while fighting several “Null” bots. The first part requires you to hack 3 different terminals. This is done by going to each location and standing in the zone until you get them to 100%.

After that, you must defend the payload while it “warms up”. You will fight enemies until the timer hits 0. The payload can be damaged and destroyed, so keep enemies away.

The next part requires you to escort the payload to the destination, while still keeping enemies from destroying it. The final part has your team destroying 4 Orisa bots.

Hero Updates


Sonic Amplifier - Damage increased by 25% Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50 Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking back Crossfade - Area of Effect radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters Heal Song - Healing increased by 30% Self-healing reduced by 25% Wall Ride - Movement speed increased by 20% when wall riding Now receives a burst of speed when jumping off a wall.


The size of Orisa’s head hitbox decreased by 15%

That’s all for my guide on the new Overwatch Uprising event. Let me know if you have any questions!