How do you spot a fake user review?

  1. Check the date How many user reviews of the product were posted in the same week, or on the same day? How long has the product been available? If you see large clusters of reviews dated in the same day or week, or you find that a product which has only been available for a few weeks has somehow amassed hundreds or thousands of user reviews… they’re probably fakes. Once you dig deeper, you’ll likely find that these reviews are short, repeat each other, and contain very little actual information.
  2. Look for reviews that cover multiple products As strange as it may sound, some reviews are designed to be copied and pasted across multiple products. So if you see a phone charger also referencing positive aspects of a printer and a rucksack, for example, this review is likely bogus. You may also find that fake user reviews contain images of products that are unrelated to the review, or that there are a number of generic images attached to that review, which add little or no value to the words.
  3. Check products on reliable review sites If you’re buying a $10 HDMI cable (opens in new tab) and you’re suckered by fake reviews… it isn’t the end of the world. If you’re buying a $400 TV (opens in new tab) and you fall for false reviews, that is a much bigger problem. Our advice is that if you’re buying a more expensive product, you should always look at a couple of proper, professionally written reviews before you buy. Even if you disagree with them, and you buy anyway, you’re going into the purchase with your eyes open, and know that while it isn’t as perfect as the user reviews suggest, you are happy with what you’re actually getting.  If you’re ever in doubt about buying a product online, you should always check the returns and refunds policy on that item. While it may be inconvenient to return an item, and pay for additional shipping, at least you won’t lose your money completely if it turns out to be a dud. If you’re concerned about people accessing your data and contacting you about user reviews, we always recommend using any of the best VPN services (opens in new tab) to mask your IP address, and considering identity theft protection services (opens in new tab) if you are seriously worried. 
Paid for user reviews a huge problem for sites like Amazon   here s how to spot the fakes - 93