Pip is first and foremost a support character, but he can interact with enemies in many different ways – and even turn them into chickens with the help of his ultimate, Evil Mojo. The current patch OB34 includes 16 sets of cards for Pip, which makes 64 cards in total.

You can make him even stronger by making a perfect deck of 5 cards, but which ones do you choose? This guide will help you build a deck for Pip that fits your playstyle the most.

Identify the type of your deck

Any custom deck in Paladins must correspond to one of the champion’s main skills, otherwise there won’t be any synergy and the deck will not be as effective as it should be. For example, in the case of Pip - his two main skills are Explosive Flask and Weightless.

If you want to focus on Pip’s defensive side, then build your deck around the Weightless ability. But if your goal is to go all nuts on the enemies, then craft cards around the Explosive Flask skill and Pip’s weapon.

Also, don’t forget about the card rarities and their cost. You can include 5 cards that together must not cost more than 12 points. Since all four rarities (common, rare, epic, and legendary) cost 1, 2, 3, and 4 points respectively, you can include only 2 legendaries per one deck.

Weightless type of deck

Weightless is one of the coolest abilities in the game and there are several cards that you can craft to make this ability so much stronger. Currently, Pip has four sets of cards that support this skill:

Escape Artist From Above Refreshing Jog Sprint

It would be smart to include all of them in your deck, but unfortunately the space is strictly limited, so you need to get rid of at least one – and that would be Escape Artist. This card reduces your self-damage, but in the case when Pip attacks while performing Weightless, it gets cancelled, which is a huge drawback.

So, you will be left with three cards that will make it into the deck. Since our goal is to be as defensive as possible, you need to include two legendaries that will make your Weightless ability completely overpowered:

From Above IV (Legendary) It reduces the cooldown of Weightless by 4s.

Refreshing Jog IV (Legendary) It regenerates 200 HP every second while in Weightless.

These two cards alone will simply keep your Pip alive and healthy for the whole duration of the match-up. You also need to include Rare Sprint, as it will slightly increase the speed of the jump, which is not crucial, but can help in a lot of situations nonetheless.

And finally, two more slots can be given to common cards either for healing or buffing your weapon – it’s completely up to you. This is how your deck will look now:



Explosive Flask type of deck

Explosive Flask not only deals damage to your enemies, but also slows them down – this gives Pip a few interesting opportunities that can be utilized with the help of the following cards:

Acumen Graviton Side Tanks

Acumen and Graviton are too important to craft anything below epic rarity (preferably legendary). On the other hand, Side Tanks (although really good) can be either common or rare – see what you can afford in your situation. 

It is also advisable not to ignore your Weightless ability here, as well. Remember that Pip can deal damage while in Weightless, so include at least one card that helps you be more effective when utilizing this skill – From Above is highly recommended.

Since this type of build is all about damage, there is no point in including the healing card, so choose something that works with your weapon. Here is the final build of your explosive deck:



Either of these decks are great for Pip – you need to choose which one fits your playstyle the most or is required by your team.

Come back soon for more Paladins: Champions of the Realm guides at GameSkinny!